Product & Application Training, Grinding Service, Tool Storage
In der Fleute 18
42897 Remscheid
Product & Application Training, Grinding Service, Tool Storage
For the efficient use of our tools, we not only support our customers as a provider and consultant, but also accompany them as a competent partner through all phases of daily business.
✔ Application Consulting ✔ Regrinding service ✔ Tool maintenance
With extensive advice from our specialists, we support you in selecting the cutting tools required for your cutting application. The suitable cutting tools and cutting parameters are determined in a cooperative partnership. In doing so, we show alternatives and solution approaches.
We are also at your disposal by phone: +49 2191 969 0 or via mail:
Circular Knives and Straight Knives lose their sharpness after a certain time and duration of use. Unsharp knives have a negative influence on the cutting result and/or the cut edge quality of the cut materials. In the worst case, rounded knife edges can cause the required cutting gaps to be no longer maintained. We therefore advise you to have your cutting tools re-sharpened by our specialists at regular intervals.
In order to ensure consistently high cutting edge quality, cutting tools must be checked and reworked on a routine basis. The process is similar for changed cutting requirements and cutting parameters where the tools have to be modified. For both requirements TKM supports you with state-of-the-art technology and experienced specialists.
TKM - Sales Division Plastic, Rubber & Recycling
+49 2191 969 0